Case details for Ruxanda Guja

Name: Ruxanda Guja


Date of Birth: 7 / 10 / 1984

Date Order Starts: 24 / 12 / 2024

Disqualification Length: 13 Years 0 Month(s)

CRO Number: CR-2024-003267

Last Known Address: 2 Bell Avenue, , , , ROMFORD, RM3 7BL

Conduct: Ruxanda Guja (“Mrs Guja”) caused Roxy Contracts Limited (“Roxy”) to obtain three Bounce Back Loans (“BBLs”) with three separate banks of £45,000.00, £50,000.00, and £50,000.00, which breached the conditions of the BBL scheme as only one BBL up to a maximum value of £50,000.00 was permitted. In that: On 05 May 2020 Mrs Guja made an application for a BBL of £45,000 to Bank A on behalf of Roxy. On 06 May 2020 a BBL payment of £45,000.00 was paid into Roxy’s bank account held with Bank A, On 12 May 2020 Mrs Guja made an application for a BBL of £50,000 to Bank B on behalf of Roxy. On 13 May 2020 a BBL payment of £50,000.00 was paid into Roxy’s bank account held with Bank B, On 08 October 2020 Mrs Guja submitted a BBL application to Bank C on behalf of Roxy for a BBL of £50,000. On 09 October 2020 a BBL of £50,000.00 was paid into Roxy’s bank account held with Bank C, Mrs Guja has informed the liquidator that she completed the three BBL applications on behalf of Roxy with the three different lenders, At liquidation Roxy had liabilities of £189,242 including £143,938.48 from Proof of Debts and BBL statements owing in respect of the three BBLs. 

This information is correct as at 17 / 12 / 2024

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