Case details for Aylan Zeydinova FEHIM

Name: Aylan Zeydinova FEHIM

Name: Unique Hair (London) Ltd

Date of Birth: 13 / 10 / 1973

Date Order Starts: 10 / 1 / 2025

Disqualification Length: 10 Years 0 Month(s)

CRO Number: 12480888

Last Known Address: 7 Parkside Court, Rosedale Way, Cheshunt, , Hertfordshire, EN7 6LQ

Conduct: Ms Aylan Zeydinova Fehim (“Ms Fehim”) caused Unique Hair (London) Ltd (“Unique Hair”) to apply for a Bounce Back Loan (“BBL”) of £50,000 in breach of the terms of application, using an overstated turnover figure in the application which she knew or ought to have known was incorrect. Consequently, Unique Hair received more funds than it was entitled to. In that: • Unique Hair was incorporated on 25 February 2020 and commenced trading on or about that date. • Under the BBL scheme, businesses could apply for a loan of up to 25% of their 2019 turnover, from a minimum of £2,000 to a maximum of £50,000. Businesses incorporated after 01 January 2019 were asked to estimate their turnover from the date the business started. • On 18 September 2020, Ms Fehim made a BBL application for £50,000 on behalf of Unique Hair. On the application, she stated that the estimated annual turnover from the date that the business started was £225,000. • Unique Hair’s accounts for the financial years ending 28 February 2021 and 2022 recorded a turnover of £8,327 (plus other income of £11,334 which equated to a total of £19,661) and £65,290 respectively. Therefore, even using the highest turnover figure from the accounts, Unique Hair would have not been eligible for a BBL of more than £16,323. • Unique Hair received the BBL funds of £50,000 on 6 October 2020; at least £33,677 in excess of the amount to which it would have been entitled. • Unique Hair entered Creditors Voluntary Liquidation on 26 October 2022. • Unique Hair had liabilities totalling £88,296, of which £48,128 was owed to the bank in respect of the BBL. 

This information is correct as at 20 / 12 / 2024

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