Case details for Ellie Cooper

Name: Ellie Cooper


Date of Birth: 5 / 10 / 1994

Date Order Starts: 13 / 1 / 2025

Disqualification Length: 11 years Years 0 Month(s)

CRO Number: 11785067

Last Known Address: 23 Jesmond Avenue, , , , Blackpool, FY4 1EJ

Conduct: Miss Ellie Louise Cooper (“Miss Cooper”) breached the terms of the Bounce Back Loan (“BBL”) scheme by causing E L Co (London) Ltd (“EL”) to overstate its turnover on its application for a BBL, resulting in the company receiving a BBL of £50,000 when she knew, or ought to have known, that EL was not eligible for a loan of that value. In addition, Miss Cooper failed to ensure that the entirety of the BBL was used for the economic benefit of EL contrary to the terms of the scheme, in that: • The BBL scheme terms allowed businesses to receive a loan of up to 25% of their annual turnover for the 2019 calendar year, which the applicant would self-certify when completing the BBL application.   • If a company was established after 01 January 2019, they were allowed to estimate the company turnover from the date the company started to trade. • EL was incorporated on 24 January 2019. • Miss Cooper declared on the company’s BBL application form an annual turnover of £215,000, and consequently on 24 June 2020 EL received a £50,000 BBL. • Miss Cooper has failed to provide sufficient evidence to support how she calculated turnover of £215,000. • Bank statements for the period 19 August 2019 to 31 December 2019 show total receipts of £31,630 attributable to business income in 135 days. • Using this income, an estimated annual income could be calculated as £85,519. • This would have meant that EL would have been entitled to apply for a BBL of £21,380. • The overstatement of turnover totalling £129,481 meant that EL received £28,620 more than it was entitled to from the BBL scheme. • The terms of the BBL scheme stated that the BBL was to be used only for the economic benefit of the business, used wholly for business purposes and not personal purposes. • The bank balance prior to receipt of the BBL weas £23,124.38. • After receipt of the BBL, bank receipts totalling £44,292.39 were received; made up of £27,285.90 job retention scheme payments and £17,006.49 from other income. • After receipt of the BBL, payments totalling £71,910.66 were made to an associated company and payments totalling £28,182.53 were made to the director. • Of the payments made to an associated company and the director, at least £31,779 came from BBL funds. • Miss Cooper has failed to produce evidence that the BBL funds used to pay an associated company and the director were for the economic benefit of EL. These payments were contrary to the terms of the scheme. • EL entered Creditor’s Voluntary Liquidation on 06 October 2022. • At liquidation, EL had liabilities totalling £54,400, of which £50,933.08 was owed to the bank in respect of the BBL.  

This information is correct as at 9 / 1 / 2025

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