Case details for Aram  Jabar Mohammed

Name: Aram  Jabar Mohammed


Date of Birth: 21 / 10 / 1985

Date Order Starts: 8 / 1 / 2025

Disqualification Length: 10 years Years 0 Month(s)

CRO Number: 11674069

Last Known Address: 7 Ashover Avenue, , , , LIVERPOOL,, L14 0PE

Conduct: Mr Aram Jabar Mohammed (“Mr Mohammed”) breached his duties as the director of Express Hand Car Wash (Liverpool) Ltd (“EHCW”) by failing to ensure that it complied with its legislative requirements in that: • EHCW did not comply with its statutory obligations under The Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 resulting in the employment of three people who did not have the right to work in the United Kingdom. • Home Office Immigration Enforcement (“HOIE”) after investigating ECHW issued a Notification of Liability for a Civil Penalty of £30,000 in respect of the employment of these workers, payment of which was due on or before 04 May 2022. • EHCW did not pay the penalty due to HOIE before its entry into liquidation. • Mr Mohammed was the sole appointed director of EHCW at the time of the breach of the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality legislation. Mr Mohammed caused EHCW to overstate its turnover on its application for a BBL, which resulted in EHCW obtaining a BBL that more than it was entitled to. In addition, Mr Mohammed failed to ensure that the BBL in its entirety was used for the economic benefit of EHCW, contrary to the terms and conditions of the BBL scheme, in that: • The terms of the BBL scheme were such that an applicant company could obtain a loan of up to 25% of its turnover for the 2019 calendar year if it had been trading before 1 January 2019 or of its estimated annual turnover if trading began after 1 January 2019, up to a maximum value of £50,000, and any BBL provided was to be used wholly for the benefit of the applicant company and not for any personal use. • ECHW was incorporated om 13 November 2018, Mr Mohammed states that ECHW began trade in 2018. • Professionally prepared accounts for the year ending 31 November 2020 show EHCW turnover to have been £46,049 and £nil in the year ending 31 November 2019. • According to EHCW’s bank statements, the company received trade credits in 2019 of a total of £34,340. The maximum BBL to which EHCW was entitled was therefore £8,585. • Mr Mohammed made an application to EHCW’s bank on or before 18 May 2020 for a BBL of £17,000, stating that turnover for 2019 had been £70,000. • On 19 May 2020 the BBL of £17,000 was received into EHCW’s business current account, producing a credit balance of £18,102. • On 20 May 2020 a credit of £1,847 was received into account. Between 20 May 2020 and 31 May 2020, in which time no further credits were received into the account, payments totalling £17,839 were made including: • Cash withdrawals totalling £13,250; and • A payment to a trading entity controlled by Mr Mohammed of £5,100. • Mr Mohammed has stated that the BBL monies paid out of the EHCW account were used for purposes connected with its business but has provided no evidence to show that these payments were made for the economic benefit of EHCW. • EHCW was placed into creditors voluntary liquidation on 22 June 2022 • At Liquidation, £13, 318 was owed in respect of outstanding BBL 

This information is correct as at 19 / 12 / 2024

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