Case details for Satpaldip Singh Pahal

Name: Satpaldip Singh Pahal


Date of Birth: / /

Date Order Starts: 27 / 11 / 2024

Disqualification Length: 5 years Years 0 Month(s)

CRO Number: 10161352

Last Known Address: Smithys Hotel, 417 Hagley Road,, , , , BIRMINGHAM,, B17 8BL

Conduct: Satpaldip Singh Pahal (“Mr Satpaldip Pahal”) caused Sat Housing Ltd (“Sat”) to apply for Government backed Bounce Back Loans (BBL) of £25,000 and a further £5,000 totalling £30,000 and utilised at least £25,000 of the funds received contrary to the terms of the BBL scheme, in providing no economic benefit to Sat. In that: • When applying for a BBL, the business must confirm to the lender that the loan will only be used to provide an economic benefit to the business, for example providing working capital, and not for personal purposes. • Mr Satpaldip Pahal was appointed director of Sat at incorporation on 4th May 2016. • Sat received the BBL of £25,000 on the 28th May 2020, which was paid into its bank account. The borrower’s signature is shown as Mr Satpaldip Pahal. • There then followed a series of payments to an associated company: £5,000 on the 29th May 2020, £10,000 on the 8th June 2020, £5,000 on the 3rd July 2020, a total of £20,000. • During the period 28th May to 20th July 2020, there are no other credits to the account. • SAT received a further £5,000 top up BBL on 30 November 2020, and subsequently made two payments of £2,500 on 15 December 2020 and 4 January 2021 to the same associated company. • Sat entered liquidation on the 2nd December 2021. In the Statement of Affairs, the BBL provider is listed as being owed £30,000. 

This information is correct as at 27 / 11 / 2024

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