The Insolvency Service 
General Enquiry
You can use this form to contact us about processes we administer or regulate. This includes:
  • bankruptcy
  • debt relief orders
  • breathing space
  • company liquidations
  • redundancy payments
If you are considering going into breathing space or a debt relief order you should seek advice from an approved money adviser. You cannot apply directly to the Insolvency Service.

We cannot give you:
  • legal or financial advice
  • information or advice about other government departments
Fields with an asterisk (*) must be completed to submit the form.

About you

Provide your date of birth and National Insurance Number so that we can identify you. This will help is deal with your enquiry quicker.

First name *
Last name *
Email *
Date of birth
Day  Month  Year   
National Insurance Number

The nature of your enquiry

Please provide us with as much information as possible to help us deal with your enquiry. If you are contacting us about a particular case please include the case reference number, if you have it.

What is your enquiry about? (select one) *

Case reference number
This may begin with letters such as LN, DRO, BKT.
Are you supplying information that we requested? *

Details of your enquiry *

If you would like to attach any electronic documents in support of this form please use the Choose File buttons below.

Each file must be one of the following doc, docx, xls, xlsx, txt, pdf, png, jpg, jpeg, odt and the size of each file must not exceed 3MB in size.

Supporting Evidence 1
Supporting Evidence 2
Supporting Evidence 3
Supporting Evidence 4
Supporting Evidence 5

Your data will be handled in accordance with our Personal Information Charter

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